It will take ONLY 5 seconds to Crack Your Password
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What is a password?
A password is a string of characters used to verify the identity of a user during the authentication process. Password is usually used in tandem with a username. It may consist of only digits (often classified ‘‘weak’’) or a combination of alphanumeric (often classified “strong”) or a combination of alphanumeric and special characters, for example, @,#,! & etc. This is often classified as “very strong”.
Password is designed to be known to only the user and allow the user to access a device or website or application.
How can you Identify a secured Password?
Most people think 8 characters with multiple or different special characters are pretty secure, which is a standard for password requirements.
That may be true, but not anymore…
If you have 10 number password, it will only take 5 seconds to crack, with software that has cryptographic calculations to brute force attack your environment( computer systems or Network).
10 numbers password = 5 seconds
If you have 8 characters with different numbers and letters, that is pretty secure. However, if someone really wants it, it may take 35 days.
8 character password = 35 days
But if your password is, say, 16 characters with one uppercase and special characters. This is more secure and it may take 152,000 years
16 characters with uppercase and special characters = 152,000 years
3 simple ways to protect your password
Password protection is very important and should be taken as such. Three ways to protect your password from attacks are the following:
Do not reuse passwords for multiple systems ( for example, using the same password for business and personal use.)
Do not write down your passwords and leave them in unsecured areas.
Do not share your password with tech support or co-workers.
Finally, you can improve your password security immensely by following a good password policy and appropriate procedures.
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